Get ready to live your inspired life!
By the age of 50, many women experience profound change. Opportunity arises to excavate and reclaim dreams lost beneath the responsibilities of career and family, to discover the joy and fulfillment of your Fiery and Fabulous self. In this community we have figured out that It’s never too late to prioritize our happiness.
You have landed in a community of women world wide who are taking Sacred Responsibility for their vitality, happiness, and their relationships.
We are cultivating a love your life attitude!
This is your community of like hearted women and we are so glad you are here.
“Let this marvellous book inspire you to claim and transform your life for the better” -HeatherAsh Amara Author of The Warrior Goddess Training
Today is the day you start your journey, choosing vitality as your noble aim. Breathe that in to your cells! Now that you are here, read over the content on these pages, feel the vibe. This overview will set you up for the main event, reclaiming your vitality.
If you have ever pondered what your legacy will be once you leave this gorgeous green planet, know that it will be the example you set by taking Sacred Responsibility for your happiness.

What this course includes
Our Eight Sacreds Signature course takes us on a beautifully paced journey through this Guide-Book for Fiery and Fabulous Women 50+.
New to online courses? Do not worry! Our course pages are simple to follow with clear instructions that will get you into your personal flow with ease.
- The Guidebook set out over 11 Modules.
- Each Chapter is easy to follow and laid out beautifully.
- Chapter Highlights.
- 3 Action Steps for your self study.
- Authors Notes.
- 24 Foundational Practice’s Booklet
- Access to our book club. Join other women world wide!
- Tec Support.
Once you finish each chapter you will be prompted to go on to the next, take your time, do one chapter a day, or a week, or a a month. Do them with a friend! because together we are stronger.
If you have ever pondered what your legacy will be once you leave this gorgeous green planet, know that it will be the example you set by taking Sacred Responsibility for your happiness.
Once you register, you will recive your own login password and the full course opens up to you!
Consider Creating A Private Study Group!
Why not? Gather a few other Fiery and Fabulous Women 50+ and do this course together. We have many fabulous Sacred Facilitators who can help get you all set up! It is simple…
- Purchase the course.
- Choose a day and time for your private book circle.
- Invite others to join you.
- Invite the Author and Lead Facilitator Cathy Mines to pop in to your circle too!

Orienting towards Vitality
A wonderful little book reminding us that if we are willing to take responsibility, we can enjoy and utilize the sacred power that life offers us in so many ways.”
Cathy shines from the heart, her cheerleading voice guiding readers–but make no mistake she knows she’s asking for hard work and honest reflection. Through these profound Sacred Responsibilities she reminds us that we all can and will be living big and joyously. I’m grabbing my baton!”
This book is moving beyond words, challenging us to action to celebrate this most bountiful ere in our lives. It challenges society to place high value on the wisdom of fiery and fabulous women in this rich sector of life. Cathy challenges wise women everywhere to celebrate their bodies, minds and spirits and make their most valuable contribution to society as fiery advocates of societal evolution.
Join the Movement & get your free Guide to the 24 Practices of the Eight Sacreds
The Eight Sacred Responsibilities is a movement of the fiery and fabulous women over fifty who have chosen to make their third act one that includes a future filled with personal standing ovations! Or gracefully seated ones, we get to choose!
This is not only a guide book for the solo sister but a movement that brings women in their “Third Act” together for transformation, collaboration and to hold each other accountable to living an empowered life that honours happiness, creativity and some serious fun!
We are living 25–30 years longer than the generations before us and that means we have time for an extra full-adult life. This book suggests, and most times insists, we use that time to transform ourselves into the greater version of the passionate, interested and self-knowing women we are here to be, and in that inspire others to rise and shine. Enjoy Mary Walsh’s Tedx Talk HERE.
Sacred sisters, it is my absolute pleasure to know you, to stand on this stage with you and to be held accountable by you. Today, together we step into a community of like-hearted, spirited women who join us in awakening to the next act of our lives, our third act.
Our “third act” is a time to seek meaning and arrive at our best life — with joyful, engaged and truly purposeful decades ahead. Creating a new way of living this phase of life does not come naturally to most of us. It requires digging deep and sloshing around in uncomfortable, unknown waters. (as defined by Third Act Quest)
You will want a companion notebook or journal while on our journey as this book will inspire your creativity as well as your self-reflection and we want to start to collect all of our juicy personal musings as we begin to live a refreshed and empowered life through the Eight Sacred Responsibilities and their practices. When inspiration rises write it down, even if it is just one word circled in purple high- lighter. You may find poetry comes to the surface, songs, drawings, and “Aha!” moments emerge while uncovering the data stored deep in your cells from your many years of life experience. A Sacred Responsibilities journal has no rules; it evolves as you do. Write, draw, fold corners, spill tea on it, press leaves in it, just let it be as wild as you are!
The Eight Sacred Responsibilities
- Self Care
- Rise & Shine
- Know Yourself
- Collaboration
- Honour Your Intuition
- Create and Play
- Relax and Celebrate
- Gratitude

Defining Sacred Responsibility
Sacred Responsibility: A highly valued course of action towards personal happiness that is regarded with reverence. A moral obligation to respond to life in ways that increase our life force and vitality.

We have made it simple
If you wonder if this course is right for you, let us offer you 20 pages of the book to check out! Here is hoping you won’t want to put it down!

Take The Self Guided Journey Today
$99.00Canadian Dollars: E-transfers to livingsacreddaily@gmail.com
The Eight Sacred's is our Signature Course for Fiery & Fabulous Women 50+ to claim thier Vitality!

- Get a pen and paper, or a journal handy to make notes when inspired.
- Carve out this time for yourself, you are worth it. Read that again.
- Tell a friend you are taking sacred responsibility for your vitality and ask them to join you.
- Make yourself a priority, you are the only one who can do this.
- Know that there is room to continue your growth in this community with yoga, dance, meditation and deeper dives into our courses.
- Know that you are loved. Read that again also.
Our Daily Statement
“Today I open myself fully to living a sacred life. I call in now, the people, places and things that lift me up, light me up and hold me up as the accountable, responsible and authentic person I am here to be. And so it is”
Join the Movement & get your free Guide to the 24 Practices of the Eight Sacreds

Tiny devotional rituals restoring self honour.
Rise and Shine
Show up, thrive and flourish.
Know Yourself
Shining in your authenticity.
Honour every thread of the tapestry of your life.
Honour your Intuition
Respect your inner wisdom keeper.
Create and Play
Sensuality, vitality and living in a turned on state.
Relax and Celebrate
Celebrate yourself and others. Age gracefully.
Living in a state of gratitude for healthy mind, body and spirit.
Take The Self Guided Journey Today
$99.00Canadian Dollars: E-transfers to livingsacreddaily@gmail.com
The Eight Sacred's is our Signature Course for Fiery & Fabulous Women 50+ to claim thier Vitality!

Join a facilitated book club
Contact us to find a group in your area, or register your Eight Sacred Responsibilities book club with us!